Monday, December 16, 2019

       I've been meaning to write this article. Its time for pastors to stop flying all over the country and world then posting it all on fb...BE THE PASTOR OF YOUR CHURCH!!!!!!! 

       No judgment just a plea...people need their pastor to be there...especially now as we approach the your salvation is nearer then when you first believed!

All Christians in 2019 have access to the best preachers in America.
They have access to a treasure trove of content from some of the wisest and most powerful thinkers and speakers on the planet. As soon as you read this article, you can have them piped into your home or office or car.
If you were born 550 years ago in Europe, you probably wouldn’t have owned a Bible, and it’s likely your parish priest wouldn’t have owned a whole copy of the Latin Bible. He wouldn’t have known much Latin, so he wouldn’t have been able to read it anyway. The Reformation brought the Bible to the people in their own language.
Fast forward five centuries to today and not only do we, in the West, have unfettered access to Scripture, but we also have virtually limitless access to some of the best Bible teaching. What a gift!
But for an ordinary pastor like me, it raises a question: How am I supposed to compete? And why should you even bother attending your local church? Why settle for the best your no-name pastor can offer when you can watch the best that Tim Keller and John Piper and (fill in your favorite preacher) can offer?
I can’t compete. I’ll never be on an “America’s Best Preachers” list. And frankly, I have no aspirations for that.

I’m Among You

But here’s what I can offer my church that those great preachers can’t: I’m here. I can shepherd you. I can (if you’re patient with me) know your name and your story. I can pray for you. I probably thought about you or a friend of yours as I prepared this week’s sermon. If you have a question about the sermon, or are seeking wisdom in picking a college, dating, your marriage, parenting, I promise I’ll respond to your email.
I’ll be there when you get married, I’ll pray with you when your loved one dies, and I commit to pursue you if you go astray. I’m a flawed pastor, but if you commit yourself to Christ’s church, I promise to commit myself to you.
In 1 Peter 5:1–3, Peter commands the pastors in your local church:
So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
I love that little word “among” in verse 2. That word separates me from all of the better preachers and teachers of God’s Word as it relates to you. I’m among you. I’m a fellow sheep in this local flock of God. And he’s gifted us with each other. You bless me with the many ways God has gifted you, and I promise to do my best to bless you with the best of how God has gifted me.

We Have One Another

And because we are among one another, you’re invited to speak into my life, so I might live out Christ’s calling and exercise my compulsion humbly, in a God-honoring way. My best won’t win me any awards, but because of God’s purpose and design, it will affect you. And I’m grateful for this: I’m the pastor God intended for you.
In a shrinking world, it’s easy for a pastor to look past his own congregation to a larger context, a larger stage. We might daydream what it’d look like to pastor in a more important city or pastor more influential people. Ingratitude makes our hearts grumble. Ambition turns our eyes green. If only _______, we think. When my heart turns inward, when I allow my sin to go unchecked, I go to this place too.
But here is the reality: “among” is a two-way street. God has blessed me and my family by calling us among you! God has called us to Tucson. He’s called us to New Life Bible Fellowship. He has decided to use my gifts in and for this church. He has given me the privilege of shepherding his flock, of caring for his sheep.

Best Church for Me

I’m not just the best pastor for you; you’re the best church for me.
Why are you the best church in the world for me? Because you know my warts, and you still love me. You’ve forgiven me for the times I’ve acted unwisely. You’ve forgiven me when I spoke harshly. You’ve been understanding about the many gifts I don’t possess.
Why are you the best church for me? Because you’ve invested in me. New Life has generously provided means for books, conferences, staff retreats, executive team retreats, coaching, and counseling. You’ve gifted my wife and me date nights, and our yard is adorned with several plants you gave me.
Why are you the best church for me? Because you’ve allowed me to steward my gifts. You’ve received what I can offer, and you’ve let me grow as a pastor and a leader.
Why are you the best church for me? Because you’ve trusted me when it wasn’t easy to. I came after a church split. You had every reason to distrust a strange new face, but you’ve invited me into your hospital rooms as your loved ones entered eternity; you’ve stepped into my office and shared your hardest struggles; you’ve sat under my preaching with eagerness and humility.
Why are you the best for me? Because you’ve partnered with our congregation in ministry. You’ve prayed for us. You’ve served alongside us. You’ve been compelled by the ministry of Christ and have given your time, energy, and gifting to make a difference in our neighborhood. You’ve been generous in your financial stewardship.
Why are you the best church for me? Because you’ve walked alongside our family in joy and hardship. Dear friends from New Life were with us when we received one of the foster children into our home. They surrounded us with prayers and tears when our hearts were broken after the state took her to another home, despite our concerns that it was a serious mistake.
Thank you, precious flock. You’re the best church in the world for me. And thank you for receiving me as the pastor God has for you.

Friday, June 7, 2019

       God is good. This morning I met with my English student for our weekly lesson. We were talking about verbs, nouns, adjectives and reading comprehension. We study English using the gospel of Mark. Today was from Mark 5, Jarius' daughter being brought back to life. As we looked at the types of words (verbs, nouns, etc) I asked him to describe them in simple terms. One of the words I used was miracle. He described as when someone is raised from the dead; that is comprehension!
       Afterward I went to get a coffee downtown and read my bible. As I was leaving, getting ready to pay, a man came up to me with his daughter and wife. :Mark, hogy vagy?" It was Istvan, a man I had ministered to for a while in the jail. Pure joy was on his face. He told me he has continued reading the bible and goes to my friend's church. He was so thankful for the Lord using our team to speak to him, to remind him of God's love for him. At that moment the prison van pulled up where we were standing and the gaurd reached out to greet me and shake my hand.
       God is good. Keep your hand on the plow. Do not grow weary in well doing and as always stay strong!

Friday, April 12, 2019

       Yesterday I went to my surgeons office for the final sign off on my back operation. I've really grown to like and appreciate  this man. We always open with light conversation talking about anything but the medical issues at hand. Sometimes I slip in the gospel, sometimes I don't.
       He is a personable man with great communicative skills and a really great bedside manner. I have  always have lots of question, daily at first for a couple of months, three or four times a week as I was rehabbing and then every time I show up for a checkup after our initial banter. He has seen me in some extremely  depressing times, always there to reassure, often to just listen as  I cried. He even answered me while he was on vacation. I'm going to miss him.
       When we looked at the final CAT scan going through it frame by frame, he explained in detail every one. The bones lined up perfectly, fused completely as if they had always been that way. He also showed me an old injury where my spine had fused and healed itself over time. This must have been from my motorcycle accident over forty years ago. I was truly amazed at His skills and the proof that God is in control.
        I had an MRI done seventeen years ago as I experienced crippling back pain before going to Hungary for my first missions trip. My spine was injected with an epidural to relieve pain and pressure. This injury was never discussed. God is in control. How else can we explain the forty year old injury restored and healed that no other doctor ever knew about?
       As I began to drive home I began to praise the Lord for His healing grace, for the evidence of His love for me. I had just had a miracle confirmed; in fact two were manifest. I had prayed for healing. I had pleaded for healing. I had questioned healing. God showed me two healings decades apart yet so evidential. Prayers of the saints and myself were answered. He provided more
       Many look to the spectacular, the sign, the wonder...well, there all here. Miracles happen spectacularly every day. God gives us signs every day...and we miss His wonder. God uses His creation to display His miracles every day. He also uses His creation to perform those miracles. He used my doctor to perform a miracle as I think He does daily, hourly, minute by minute around the world; nothing spectacular only if you aren't able to see.  He performs miracles that we never even know about that are not spectacular also; grace. These are all physical miracle that we judge God by, that we judge grace by.
       Some of you know the deep isolation, the deep fear of thinking God wasn't hearing me, even listening to me in that hospital though I cried out for answers. Truth is I have felt that way often. Far from God, knowing the truth yet listening to the accuser; condemnation and conviction can be tricky in the middle of fear. Truth is, the Father was calling me closer, into a closer relationship with Him; Jesus is full of truth and grace. The heart is both a physical and spiritual reality according to God's word. One is easily understood. One takes the Holy Spirit The spiritual miracle is having the eyes of our hearts opened to see the truth of grace that heals in ways we see and may never see...until we see Him.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

just a thought                 March 2019

Where does the seasonal symphony start?
Where is that end that begins afresh,
that once more anchoring of our fickle flesh?

Is it in summer next with its certain fullness of joy,
enveloped in glimmering, sun sapping days,
becoming the mantle of a chasing of rays?

Or does fall start this oeuvre with its copious rewards,
its plenty profuse, its harvests e'er sating,
in fullness and contentment and continued baiting?

Is winter then the etude embracing refuge and dread,
a harmony confronting our will, assessing our consent;
neither before nor after nor always present?

And yet it is spring that speaks of a promise, of a hope prepared,
with its fullness of joy and rewards perceived;
it is an agreement in of faith of things believed.

Most start their opus in winter's etude,
thru movements, thru seasons, and times of assent;
neither before nor after to discover the present.

Today is the day of salvation, if...                  just a thought

just a thought          February 2019

I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree. 
Joyce Kilmer

       In September of 2007 I wrote a 'just a thought' entitled 'Apologies to Mr. Kilmer'. It was an apologetic inspired by the cadence of Mr. Kilmer's original poem, 'Trees'. As I was taking my kids to and from school last week I was reminded of this opening line as we passed by the park and saw tree crews 'trimming' fifty foot plus majestic oak trees.

       I was horrified at the needless butchering of these trees, at the unneeded damage done to them by this hack and slash 'maintenance' practice. The contract specifications for this work are unknown. Experience tells me they looked at simple costs that disregard how future maintenance costs will actually rise and tree health decline from this myopia. The health, beauty and longevity of these trees was being ignored. Yet there is knowledge available.

       I was a certified arborist for many years in the states and we arborists have a bible, 'A New Tree Biology' by Dr. Alex L. Shigo. This bible tells us the who, what, when, where, why and how of trees...and more. Trim here so it will grow using its natural design to remain healthy and strong. It tells us what happens if we go against nature and try to force or shape them for a purpose they are not intended for. It teaches about the joints and marrow if you will, about the causes and healing of diseases. There is even a chapter on radical pruning; when to drastically cut the crown of the tree for its continued survival. It is the whole counsel of tree care. After studying and reading it I have never looked at trees the same way since. Dr. Shigo once signed my 'bible' with his trademark line, 'touch trees'

       Now as this horror was unfolding during my taxi service I thought back to my offering in 2007. It brought to mind James 3:1, "...let not many of you become teachers knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.", a reminder to all Christians who teach, pastor or lead in any way. Stick to the bible, to the truths therein. Use it to help shape a brother or sister to remain healthy. Trim only what may be needed. Don't force them into your purposes. Cause healing. And before any drastic cut be sure God has told you to do this; don't react as we often do with a hack and a slash. It is best to just 'touch them' ...with God's word. He will do the rest. His knowledge, His whole counsel is available! Stay strong!
...just a thought

       I've been meaning to write this article. Its time for pastors to stop flying all over the country and world then posting it all o...